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Labview Serial Port Tutorial

RequirementsTo interface LabVIEW with Arduino, you require the following software’s and hardware’s,. (software). (software). (software). (software). LINX, (this will be available inside VI package manager, open VI package manager and search for it, double click on it.

You will reach to an installation window. Click install button visible to you in that window.). LabVIEW Interface for Arduino, this will be available inside VI package manager, open VI package manager and search for it, double click on it. You will reach to an installation window. Click install button visible to you in that window, as shown below. Why we interface Arduino with LabVIEW?As already told in, LabVIEW is a graphical programming language. Arduino programme is made up of lines of codes but when we interface LabVIEW with Arduino, lines of codes are reduced into a pictorial program, which is easy to understand and execution time is reduced into half.LED Blink with Arduino & LabVIEW.

Launch the LabVIEW. To launch LabVIEW. Now start graphical coding. In Block diagram window, right click select Makerhub LINX Open, drag & drop the Open box.

Then create a control by right clicking the first wire tip and selecting Create Control. Thus created a Serial port. In Block diagram window, right click and select Makerhub LINX Close. Drag & drop Close. In Block diagram window, right click and select Makerhub LINX Digital Write. Drag & drop Write.

Then create a controls on second and third tip of wires by right clicking each individually and selecting Create Control. Thus created a D0 channel and Output Value. In Block diagram window, right click and select Structures While loop.

Drag the While loop across the Digital write. Then create a Shift register by right clicking on the While loop. In Block diagram window, right click and select Makerhub LINX Utilities Loop rate.

Drag & drop it inside the While loop. In Block diagram window, right click select Boolean.

Labview serial port read

Drag & drop or inside the While loop. In Block diagram window, right click and select Timing Wait(ms). Drag & drop Wait(ms) into the While loop and create a constant for it by right clicking on the wire tip which is left most to the Wait(ms) and select Create Constant. In Front panel window, right click and select Boolean Stop button. Now stop button appears in the Block diagram window.

Drag & drop it inside the While loop. Now by connecting all these created blocks using wiring connections, you can build the Graphical LED blink program to interface with your Arduino hardware.Connect the LabVIEW code with Arduino. After building the graphical code, select Tools Makerhub LINX LINX Firmware wizard. Now LINX Firmware wizard window open’s, in that select Device Family as Arduino; Device type as Arduino Uno; Firmware Upload Method as Serial/USB. Then click Next. Then connect the Arduino board to your PC using Arduino USB cable. Now in Next window select the Arduino port by clicking to the drop down list.

Labview Serial Port Tutorial Free

Then click Next twice.

Hello,Sorry that I am using the older version Labview and cannot open your Vi.May I trouble you to take a few screen shot on how you write the E3C command? I still cannot make it work.Here I attach my simple vi as well as the command list for your comment.I just try to realize a simple function: to read Relay 1 status. But I dont understand how to put '254,4' command in the correct format.

And then the Visa Read always time out.Thank you very much. Looking forward to your reply.Best regards,Lu. You have the infamous Bytes At Port. DO NOT USE THE BYTES AT PORT!!!!!

(I feel I did not emphasize that enough). The Bytes At Port causes weird race conditions like what you are seeing. You write the data and then immediate check to see if any bytes have been received without giving your device a chance to respond. Since it looks like the device should respond with 1 byte (0 or 1), then just tell the VISA Read to read 1 byte.And finally, since this is using what I call a binary format (others say Hex or ASCII code), you need to turn off the Termination Character.

Wrote:Hello,Sorry that I am using the older version Labview and cannot open your Vi.May I trouble you to take a few screen shot on how you write the E3C command? I still cannot make it work.Here I attach my simple vi as well as the command list for your comment.I just try to realize a simple function: to read Relay 1 status. But I dont understand how to put '254,4' command in the correct format. And then the Visa Read always time out.Thank you very much. Looking forward to your reply.Best regards,LuHere is a 8.2.1 project of the E3C driverAll Commands are enumerated and examples are implemented for Get ID, Enable Selected (Init.vi) Set Single Relay, Set Both Relays, and Get relay Status.Those should demo how to complete the driver.Not bad a 4.5 year bump between anyone using that silly relay board.